Unpredictable Border Crossings
Standing at the border to Azerbaijan we were curious about visiting the next country. But unlike any other country we had to enter backwards for the camera to make some pictures of the number plate. Together we had to push up the heavily loaded bike in the right position. It was definitely the first international border, that our bike crossed going backwards.

At first we had to answer some questions about our visit to Armenia. They didn’t like the stamp in our passport at all. While Peter explained that we were just normal tourists visiting many countries Claudia was offered some food. Border crossings are always unpredictable. You never know if they will question you endlessly or offer you some food or even both at the same time.

The first night in Azerbaijan we pitched our tent somewhere in the fields enjoying a beautiful sunset. Mosquitoes were everywhere so we first sprayed some mosquito repellent spray on the tent and entered as fast as possible. On our first night in Azerbaijan we slept well and undisturbed.

Baku - The Cultural and Industrial Center of the Caspian Sea
The straight road to Baku was quite good so we reached the city within a few hours ride. On the countryside we could still see the remains of the Soviet era. Many old Ladas were driving on the streets but some of them parking on the side were out of order for a very long time, we guessed.

In Baku we slept in Freedom Hostel, a clean and friendly place located in an old historical Baku Apartment from the 19th century. Instead of the planned two days we stayed a whole week because we enjoyed the city so much. One time we got up early for a morning ride where we could see the sunrise over the amazing skyline.

The colorful luminous flame towers, the interesting building of Heydər Əliyev Merkezi, the beautiful park on the seafront as well as many cozy cafes let us enjoy the city. We even visited the 100-year celebration of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A huge crowd of people was watching the military parade enthusiastically.


Info Box
Duration of stay
19 Jun 2018 – 29 Jun 2018

entered from Georgia
exited to Iran
We got an e-visa within three working days for a 30-day entry within a time period of three months; 20 USD per person
manat (code: AZN; symbol: ₼)
subdivided into 100 qapik
About 35°C in Baku, very humid in the south on the way to Iran.
Best experience
Visiting Baku was a great experience. It was the last place before entering Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan where we could get everything.
Worst experience
Getting interrogated at the entry border why we have been to Armenia and what we did there.
Craziest experience
We had to enter the country with our motorcycle backwards because there was a camera scanning our number plate.
about 9,800,000 people
Like all other post-Soviet states formerly ruled by the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan is a secular state, the majority of people are Muslims. Azerbaijan is considered one of the most irreligious Muslim countries with most of the people attaching no direct importance to religion.
Interesting fact
Azerbaijan has more mud volcanoes than any other country on Earth – more than 400
Travel tip
If you have two passports and plan to visit Armenia it`s better to take different ones for the two countries.

Freedom Hostel
(Azadlıq Avenu, 18, floor 2, apartment 31, AZ1010 Baku, Aserbaidschan)
Wild camping was never a problem on our trip, even though sometimes we were seen by friendly locals.